Saturday, July 14, 2007

Week 6, Task 15: Read a few perspectives on Web 2.0, Library 2.0 & the future of libraries

Huuuuuuuuuugh..........whoooooooooosh..........huuuuuuuuuuuuugh.......whooooooosh. Em, ugh *snort* ..........OH! Was I sleeping? Did I snore? Sorry! *blushing*

OK, I know it isn't easy to make this subject (Web 2.0) sexy.

Let's face it. We librarians are a little worried that we are going to be put out to pasture. The world is changing, fast! Each generation depends on the written word (non-digital that is) less and less. How information is assembled and accessed is definitely changing and we have to keep up with the times, if not stay ahead of them. I found the articles a - for lack of a better word. We discuss our future as librarians in an urgent way. We pick the future apart and try to predict how we will be needed and then construct paradigms that will allow us to justify our existence. I sometimes feel that we are trying to convince ourselves, as well as the public, of our importance and how we are irreplaceable as an information nexus. We need to relax. We have always evolved and will continue to do so.

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